Friday 9 May 2014

Buckinghamshire Private GP Warns of Scarlet Fever Outbreak in England

The most common symptoms of scarlet fever are high body temperature (higher than 38.5 degrees Celsius), sore throat, and a rash that feels like sandpaper. If not brought to a GP’s attention post-haste, it may lead to more severe complications such as pneumonia and liver damage. Scarlet fever’s symptoms usually manifest within five days of exposure.

A private doctor in Buckinghamshire or any place in the U.K. may prescribe a 10-day course of antibiotics, often penicillin. The antibiotics will hit the fever first, eliminating it within 24 hours of taking it, given that you follow the medication schedule on time. Failure to do so will only help the virus develop resistance against the antibiotic, emerging as a “superbug.” Keep these in mind and you’ll be sure to ride out the storm.

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